Yoga For Life

Everyone can incorporate Yoga into their daily lives for better living. Yoga is not just meditation, but instead a it's a doorway to balancing your physical, mental and spiritual being. The Benefits of Yoga for Your Life are almost endless.

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bryan Kest's Power Yoga | About Yoga: Taking a Look

Bryan Kest's Power Yoga

A fitness routine based on aesthetics feeds your ego, not
your spirit. By increasing your ego, you actually become
more vulnerable, more susceptible to the everyday occurrences
that are out of your control. By feeding your ego, you ignore
what you truly need in order to create something your ego
desires. Consequently, you end up working against yourself
and your goal of health, and you actually create more imbalance.

Power Yoga is directed at creating the highest level of energy,
vitality and freedom. The only way to do this is to work with
yourself, not against yourself. By working hard sensitively, we
create an environment that's healing and that honors each
individual, an environment that respects our boundaries and works
within him or her. In this way, we create an atmosphere conducive
to natural expansion and growth. We're not interested in pushing
past our edge to get to a place where we've been brainwashed into
thinking we need to be in order to have happiness!

The fact is, we're all different: different faces, shapes, sizes,
personalities, etc.... We all shouldn't have and can't have the
same bodies. Our life experiences and genetic dispositions make
us different. Real health and vitality comes when we stop comparing
and competing with each other, and start listening to the voice
within that tells us what we need. We don't need to have the
'best body;' we need to have our own body. By turning off the
controlling mind, we can finally listen to the innate wisdom
that waits to be heard.

The sad state of this planet is a prime example of how we've
stopped listening. Our egos and intellects have gotten so big
we've become enamored with ourselves and our capabilities. Our
great societies, with all their cities and technological advances,
are monuments to the seemingly unfailing prowess of the intellect.
But the fact is, our intellect is only a small fraction of our
intelligence. By shutting down our other faculties in favor of
the intellect, we move away from our natural balance. Hence, the
state of our people and planet.

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